
The owner has developed a Hay fever Balm in 4 flavours (varieties) and distributes them to chemists on a wholesale basis. There were a small sample sold via his web site.

His issue was that every batch was (should be) monitored and each item took a number of component parts to put together.
An external company produced the balm and sent it out directly on a despatch order.

All his records were contained in a number of interconnected spreadsheets but in addition to the fragile connectivity, he had issues with duplicated information and collating stock levels.


• To contain everything into one place so that information can be shared and updated properly
• To alleviate individual preferences between each user, therefore standardising data entry.
• To produce accurate stock records based on usage as some component parts are used up ‘silently’ as a result of selling a quantity of finished product.
• To simplify the process when introducing new varieties and countries to the product range
• To easily share the same component parts between different countries and varieties


Software was written to combine all products and component parts and take account of new varieties and countries for the product sales.
All spreadsheets were made redundant but reports were produced in spreadsheets where appropriate.


• The customer now has everything where he needs it and it
• The system is expandable when new countries and varieties are introduced
• Invoicing is made easier as the system provides an accurate report of what is to be invoiced
• Stock reports can be produced immediately as and when required
• Sales forecasts can report component parts that will be required based on scenarios
• The system works directly with the website and sales are imported seamlessly for processing.

To discuss the data visibility you need to grow, contact Desktop Logic